The World is experiencing a moment of stand-still during the events of Covid-19 pandemic. Surely it is affecting each one of us in many different ways. To some this means fear and uncertainty about the future, economic difficulties, to others – inspiration and time to create. This period brings ideas into surface, raises questions and debates about our healthcare and economic systems, ecological, political and social issues.
This is a series of posts featuring creative expressions made during Covid-19 pandemic, or previous works that are particularly relevant during these times of change.
Islam Allam is a Digital Artist & Graphic Designer from Cairo, Egypt, who mostly works with digital portraits. During the quarantine he made a series of portraits #StayHomeWithAllam.
“A project I had to create on Instagram during quarantine days, started from 23 March – 5 April under #StayHomeWithAllam hashtag Idea: The visual content is always the strongest and easiest to remember, so I will daily – Through 14 Day Quarantine – make a portrait of a person from my Instagram list to remind him to stay at home and therefore he will always remember that during these critical days and his loved ones will always be remembered also to stay at home.”
–Islam Allam

*This is the last portrait, 14 days of quarantine and 14 portraits I designed. This time the portrait is not for a friend on Instagram, but for the fan in my room that covered with a bag to protect it from the dust ,Sitting above the cupboard waiting for the summer to work again, i felt that it’s the best portrait that concluded the project. Stay at home, be safe.
Find the Islam Allam on Instagram and Facebook.