COVID-19 CREATIVE OUTLET: Video Art Piece “Vislumbre” by Luciano Siqueira

Luciano Siqueiro video art piece

The World is experiencing a moment of stand-still during the events of Covid-19 pandemic. Surely it is affecting each one of us in many different ways. To some this means fear and uncertainty about the future, economic difficulties, to others – inspiration and time to create. This period brings ideas into surface, raises questions and debates about our healthcare and economic systems, ecological, political and social issues.

This is a series of posts featuring creative expressions made during Covid-19 pandemic, or previous works that are particularly relevant during these times of change.

Today we are sharing a video art piece “Vislumbre”(Glimpse) from Brazil by an audiovisual artist Luciano Siqueira.

“Rio de Janeiro City has 6.7 million people and 1.2 thousand km² area. Its population density is 5.5 thousand people/km². Everyday, Cariocas go from the suburbs and other parts of Rio to downtown in an infinite exodus. Vislumbre (glimpse in English) is a stop motion video art made of 3,000 photographs taken at the Carioca subway station exit since 2018. The human flow and its verticalization propose reflections about the urban space and how the next generations will occupy it.”

Luciano Siqueira

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