BLIND DATE | Adas Gecevičius x Kazimieras Krulikovskis

Ideas Block - Kompresorinė A. Goštauto 11, Vilnius, Lithuania

"Blind Dates" are where two professional musicians of different instruments and fields meet. During these performances, the artists see each other on […]

Spacetime Un[b]locked guided tour

Ideas Block - Kompresorinė A. Goštauto 11, Vilnius, Lithuania

On 18 February at 3pm we invite you to a guided tour of the exhibition Spacetime Unlocked with the curator Birute Lemke […]


Ideas Block - Kompresorinė A. Goštauto 11, Vilnius, Lithuania

Tarka Nights are events focused on experimental live music performances and guided sound listening, digging from archives of nature and human field […]


Figure drawing workshop

Ideas Block - Kompresorinė A. Goštauto 11, Vilnius, Lithuania

Join Figure drawing workshops with Amilcar Rivera Munive, every Monday, 6pm, at Kompresorinė.   Most people in their adult life eliminate the […]


Ceramics workshop

Ideas Block - Kompresorinė A. Goštauto 11, Vilnius, Lithuania

This is an ideal workshop for those who want to learn and get better at the craft of pottery. The future artisans […]

Šokis ore

Ideas Block - Kompresorinė A. Goštauto 11, Vilnius, Lithuania

Šokis ore - aktyvi judesio praktika bei meditacija. Judėdami ore išlaisvinsime pojūčius, kūną ir jausimės šiek tiek pakylėti nuo žemės. Šilko juostose […]

Figure Drawing workshop

Ideas Block - Kompresorinė A. Goštauto 11, Vilnius, Lithuania

Join Figure drawing workshops with Amilcar Rivera Munive, every Monday, 6pm, at Kompresorinė. Most people in their adult life eliminate the activity […]

Brave noises album “Meandros” presentation concert

Ideas Block - Kompresorinė A. Goštauto 11, Vilnius, Lithuania

"Brave noises albumo "Meandros" pristatymo koncertas" Ne taip ir dažnai Vilniuje ant scenos lipantys šiuolaikinio Lietuvos džiazo kartos vėliavešiai "Brave noises" surengs […]