The World is experiencing a moment of stand-still during the events of Covid-19 pandemic. Surely it is affecting each one of us in many different ways. To some this means fear and uncertainty about the future, economic difficulties, to others – inspiration and time to create. This period brings ideas into surface, raises questions and debates about our healthcare and economic systems, ecological, political and social issues.
This is a series of posts featuring creative expressions made during the pandemics period, or previous works that are particularly relevant during these times of change.
Today we are sharing a few artworks by an artist, curator, poet and photographer from Russia Alexander Limarev.
“Artwork for me is the way to speculate upon and explain to myself such universal existential problems as a person’s life, double standards and their influence on individuals, public loneliness, social impotence, search of God, resistance to Evil. I think of my artwork as inner monologues developing over a particular thought or event and thus resembling nonsense, stream of consciousness in visual art, based on paradox, absurd, broken causative-consecutive and chronological connections, reflecting discrepancy, injustice of the outer reality. However, decorative artworks are a happy exception.”
-Alexander Limarev

About the artist
Alexander Limarev, freelance artist, mail art artist, curator, poet, photographer from Siberia/Russia. Participated in more than 800 international projects and exhibitions. His artworks are part of private and museum collections of 63 countries. His artworks as well as poetry have been featured in various online publications including UNDERGROUNDBOOKS.ORG, BOEK861, KILLER WHALE JOURNAL, BUKOWSKI ERASURE POETRY ANTHOLOGY (Silver Birch Press), NOKTURNO.FI, TREEHOUSE ARTS, ZOOMOOZOPHONE REWIEW, BACKCHANNELS, BRILLER MAGAZINE, THE GAMBLER MAG, CARAVEL LITERARY ARTS JOURNAL, StyleBlueprint, TUCK MAGAZINE, ANGRY OLD MAN MAGAZINE, CALIBAN ONLINE MAGAZINE, DEGENERATE LITERATURE, SONIC BOOM JOURNAL, GALLERY & STUDIO ARTS JOURNAL, ZOUCH MAGAZINE, MAINTENANT etc.