The World is experiencing a moment of stand-still during the events of Covid-19 pandemic. Surely it is affecting each one of us in many different ways. To some this means fear and uncertainty about the future, economic difficulties, to others – inspiration and time to create. This period brings ideas into surface, raises questions and debates about our healthcare and economic systems, ecological, political and social issues.
This is a series of posts featuring creative expressions made during the pandemics period, or previous works that are particularly relevant during these times of change.
Today we are sharing a visual art piece – photo-collage “Corvus-19” by an American photographer based in Mumbai Craig Boehman.
“This composite is the result of four separate images. Originally based on a sand pattern shot on one of Mumbai’s beaches, it resembled an evil crow right from the beginning – after a wee bit of Photoshop tweaking. The main adjustments here were the eye (which didn’t exist in the original image) and added contrast to make the figure pop from the sand.
On top of the sand crow, I composited a real picture of a crow I had taken, which surprisingly didn’t add much to the sand shot apart from some minor feather details. Actually, there’s a fifth image – a human eye – which I had taken from one of my street photography shots. The remaining two images are one of an original textured background and of the city of Mumbai itself, specifically, the Worli skyline, nestled within the beak of the creature.

My pursuit of art has been historically a passion just out of reach. I remember from childhood being interested in photography. But back in those days, it was the film era and allowance didn’t cover the cost of a camera, film, processing, and prints. Having never really possessed any talent for drawing or painting, the next best thing has always been photography. And nowadays, I’m thrilled to have entered another phase when image-making will take on yet another addition to my other photographic responsibilities.”
-Craig Boehman