Lithuanian course at Ideas Block

This listing is for the cost for a 16 lesson course.


The course is aimed at preparing to participate in the most common every-day life situations. We‘ll be learning phrases, vocabulary and a little bit of grammar needed to get acquainted, do shopping, give and get information, talk about yourself and the like. The lessons will focus on learning basic vocabulary, phrases and grammar structures.

The course is meant for those who already have some basic knowledge of Lithuanian and want to be able to participate in simple conversations. During the lessons we‘d focus on widening the vocabulary, practicing to understand and to express as much as possible having limited means, as well as learning some grammar structures needed in every-day conversations. Topics can vary from traveling, free time activities to anything that is interesting and useful for the students.

The course is meant for those who want to expand their abilities to use Lithuanian beyond simple interaction. The focus is on brushing up on previously learnt grammar, learning the more complex grammar needed to express your ideas, and expanding vocabulary. We will be reading to internalise the language, listening to authentic texts to build listening strategies, and speaking a lot to build confidence to use the language.

Kursas skirtas tiems, kurie jau nemažai supranta lietuviškai ir gali apie daug ką papasakoti. Per pamokas daugiausia kalbėsime, skaitysime ir klausysime autentiškų tekstų. Jų tikslas – mokytis kuo daugiau suprasti ir laisvai kalbėti įvairiomis temomis. Pagal mokinių poreikius šiame lygyje taip pat kartosime anksčiau išmoktą gramatiką ir mokysimės konkrečių gramatinių struktūrų, tačiau daugiausia dėmesio skirsime laisvam kalbos vartojimui ir supratimui.

1. I dont know my level, where should I register?
Register in the level you feel fits the most, and write in the comments that you still don’t know so the teacher could get in touch with you and help you decide.

2. How and when to pay?
You can pay the day of the start of the course, by cash, card or bank transfer.

3. Is the price per lessons or per course?
Price is per course.


A1, A2, B1, B2


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